Presented by The Academy and taught by j.

A weekend of practical workshops teaching highly formal traditional maid service in the British styles, adapted for the BDSM community. Learn everything from fundamental respect and obedience in movement and speech, to how to serve and clean in a formal and correct manner. The goal of the course is to give you a well-rounded basic skill set to serve as a maid in the home, at a party or event.

This is no simple roleplay. The course is taught by j, originally trained in London, and with over 10 years’ experience as a maid herself and in teaching other maids. You will learn real skills, to a real standard. It is designed to very genuinely teach you how to be an obedient, respectful and competent maid servant. You will learn by doing and practice. Which means the workshops will begin with an introduction, discussion and negotiation but after that you will be in uniform, and expected to behave as maids, which includes being obedient, respectful and disciplined.

During the weekend you will learn:

  • How to curtsey, stand, listen, speak and move as a formal servant
  • How to answer the door, phone or greet guests
  • How to dust, scrub and polish furniture and surfaces
  • How to clean, iron and starch clothing and uniform
  • How to lay a table
  • How to serve teas and meals
  • …and much more

All of this will end in a final examination and receiving a certificate that denotes that you have learned to serve in these tasks to the correct standard.

Maid role

This is a course for those who wish to learn to serve in the traditionally “maid” role. It is open to anyone and everyone whatever their gender/sexual identification.

However this course is focused on the role of the traditional maid servant, a position commonly defined as feminine. During training sessions themselves this is the role that you will be asked to reproduce. For example, maids wear skirts/dresses as part of their uniform and are addressed using feminine pronouns and terms when they are in service.

Dress Code

We do not expect maids to have a uniform but there is a very strict dress code for the course. All maids attending the course must wear either:

  1. A white blouse or shirt with long sleeves that buttons up to the collar and a black knee length skirt. All clothes must be clean and neat.


  1. A full, practical and modest cotton-based maid uniform. Such a uniform is a minimum of a black and white uniform dress and white apron (ideally including a cap and gloves). Lingerie-style uniforms or uniforms in other materials are not acceptable for this course. Uniforms that are too short in the skirt or too deep cut in the top are not acceptable for this course. Uniforms must be practical (you must be able to work properly in them), and they must be neat and formal. The suggested uniform style can be seen here: If you are unsure if your uniform meets the standard or you are interested in purchasing such a uniform online from the UK, contact j for advice at All clothes must be clean and neat.

In addition, maids will also:

  • Wear sensible clean low heeled black shoes, suitable for indoors
  • Wear their hair neatly tied back or out of the way
  • Wear simple make up, if any at all
  • NOT wear any jewellery unless it has been given to you by a dominant and you must wear it as part of your submission to them
  • NOT wear any perfume

Any necessary issue with the dress code must be discussed with your trainer before class, so please email her at:


The foundation of this course is the learning of strict rules and protocols and obeying them. You will also have to obey and respect your trainer as she teaches you how to correctly behave as a maid. Part of this process is firm but also fair discipline. If you misbehave, discipline will be enforced. This may include corporal punishment if the trainer deems it necessary. You will be expected to accept such discipline (including corporal punishment) willingly and without argument. But this will also be negotiated beforehand, with limits agreed and rigidly kept to by both trainer and maids. The workshops will be conducted in a safer space with safe words and an opportunity to reflect and feedback throughout. But please be aware that discipline (and corporal punishment) is a part of this training.


Please register for the course by emailing The fee for the full course is to be announced.

Further information will be sent to you upon registration.